Sinai Bible Church in Tieton, WA
Pastor Gonzalo Castro Zuniga was hosted by the congregation at Iglesia Biblica Sinai and preached all of May. Gonzalo is a visiting missionary pastor from Mexico.
The Sinai congregation met at Bumping Lake for a special Sunday worship service and baptism celebration. Praise God for these believers stepping out in faith and committing their lives to Christ.
To the right: Pastor Juan (retired CrossLink missionary and also visiting) with several members of the congregation who were baptized.
Josh and Sarah Ryan, Mixtec Ministry Missionaries
Josh and Sara Ryan, missionaries in Othello, welcomed their baby girl Lucy in February! Over the Winter and early Spring, the Ryans have been using the Food Basket Outreach (the 18-gallon tubs that you helped supply with Mixtec food favorites and essentials last November) to reconnect with many families that came to some of the big outreach events over the last couple of years. It takes a lot more time and relational energy to distribute each box, so the ministry has been a very effective way to meet needs, share the Gospel, and invite people to church.