Misael & Taira Hernandez

Misael & Taira Hernandez with children Dan & Vasti

Misael & Taira Hernández – CrossLink Missionaries Serving in Yakima, WA

Originally from Mexico, Misael & Taira Hernández have been church planting missionaries and evangelists in Central Mexico for over 20 years. After working with CrossLink as a short-term missions coordinator in Mexico and pastoral consultant in Yakima, WA for several years, Misael joined CrossLink as a missionary pastor in Yakima, WA.

Tel. (509) 941-1004

Shawn and Christina – CrossLink Missionaries Serving in Yakima, WA

Shawn Gutierrez has been working as the ministry leader with the Celebrate Recovery program at West Side Church in Yakima. The program focuses on investing into the lives of individuals who have a “hurt, habit, or hang-up” and shows them how to live by pointing them to Jesus and building disciples.
Shawn’s relationship with Jesus, his love for people, and his experience gives him a unique gift and opportunity to minister to the individuals in the Celebrate Recovery program. Shawn also has several years of ministry experience at the Flying H Ranch, a home and education center for troubled teens. Shawn joined CrossLink as a missionary in March 2023.


Shawn and Christina Gutierrez

Jesse and Zury Mooney

Jesse and Zury Mooney

Jesse and Zury Mooney – CrossLink Missionaries Serving in Tieton, WA

Jesse Mooney joined CrossLink in January 2024 when he became the permanent missionary pastor of Iglesia Biblica Sinai in Tieton, WA. Jesse grew up in Washington State and studied at a Bible Seminary in Mexico where he met wife Zury. Jesse and Zury have lived and worked in Yakima for a number of years and have served in youth ministry at a bilingual church in Union Gap, WA. Jesse and Zury share a heart for Hispanic ministry.


Hever Marin – CrossLink Missionary Serving in Chihuahua, Mexico among the Tarahumara

Hever Marin joined CrossLink as a missionary in April 2024. Hever and Daniela live in Chihuahua, Mexico. Hever and Daniela have been working together in Chihuahua in evangelism and church planting, as well as discipling new believers in their home. Hever has joined CrossLink to support his efforts to share the gospel and plant churches among the Tarahumara indigenous people.


Hever and Daniela Marin